Shining a light for His renown

As with most worship leaders over the past 15 years, I have been heavily impacted by the Passion movement, its events, and its leaders. I personally have had the privilege of attending four of the Passion conferences (the 2005 and 2006 conferences in Nashville, TN, and the 2012 and 2013 conferences in Atlanta, GA). Each conference had its own distinct impact on me, and each conference offered me the opportunity to watch this movement change and grow as it strives to make Christ’s renown the center of the lives of 18-25 year olds.

Read on to hear my honest opinion of the good (and maybe the not-so-good) of this event.

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My Summer Vacation (Or Lack Thereof)


Finally... I'm back, and better than ever.

It's been an interesting, but ultimately great, summer for me. Very busy, with lots of changes, but the past three months have not unfolded in quite the way I thought they would. I thought that this summer would culminate in a new job for me, but alas, that did not happen. I also thought this summer would have provided an exciting opportunity to engage the ideas of this blog in a practical way, but that did not come to fruition, either. Most practically, I thought that the events of summer would not prevent me from regularly updating this blog. That certainly did not happen.

So, what did happen this summer?​

Well, some of the changes (and thus, delays) that summer afforded me were expected. For example, the content management system for this site, Squarespace, released a new version of their web service. I took this opportunity to rework the entire site, and I’m very pleased with the results. Not only is this the result of Squarespace’s new look, but it’s also because of the site’s new images (produced by my wonderful, creative friends at Jerdan Photography).

While redesigning the site, I also decided to make more demo songs. Researching the best way to do that, however, forced me to address a very important point: I don’t want to go to prison. At least for the time being, I will be posting demo songs that are not written by me. So, whatever songs I decide to post, I do not own the rights to those songs, and I must pay for the rights to post the songs. I’m not sure if I fully agree with how the rules work on such things, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Hopefully, you will see a lot more additions to the Music page of this site, and rest assured that every addition to this site will be legal.

Even though the ministry opportunities I thought the summer would offer did not come to fruition, I still got the chance to grow as a worship leader. The band that I’m currently a part of got the opportunity to work with our church’s worship choir for their summer worship concert. This was not something I initially considered to be a part of my “style,” but it was a great exercise in submission to authority, and it stretched me musically and spiritually. The choir also conformed more to my band’s “style,” so the result was quite amazing. God moved, in His power and will, so all the glory goes to Him.

In a roundabout way, this collaboration also allowed me to do what I originally set out to do this summer: begin incorporating creativity and technology into worship. And, although it did not happen the way I wanted it to happen, I now have the opportunity to push the limits of creativity in worship at my church on a semi-regular basis. You can feel it coming... the cliche just wants to reach up and smack you in the face, but the truth of the statement still cannot be ignored.

Sometimes, that’s just how God works.

Out of the gate!

​Rule number one: don’t publish anything, if you don’t have something to say.

While this isn’t necessarily a guiding principle in my life, it is the reason why I have never attempted to write a book. It’s also the reason why I’ve been putting off publishing this inaugural post: I’m not quite sure where to begin.

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