Analysis: Christmas music is frustrating...

This post has taken me forever to write... and that has really surprised me. I’ve talked about the subject of Christmas music with a number of friends over the past few weeks, and I’ve gotten such an interesting response from those conversations that I decided to turn it into a blog post. If your eye of analysis is too critical on Christmas music, however, some will think you hate sunshine and happiness. I don’t hate sunshine. Or happiness. Or Christmas.

I also do not hate Christmas music, at least in-and-of itself. Although this post is birthed out of some personal frustration as a worship leader, the following analysis is only designed to point out a deficiency in the church, with the hopes of inspiring change and growth. It is from the perspective of a worship leader, fueled by the desire to invigorate the praise of God’s people as they celebrate the birth of humanity's Savior.

With that said, here we go...

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Analysis: "All The Poor And Powerless"

Here's something to mentally (and musically) illustrate what we have discussed so far, and to launch us into where we'll be going. It's an exercise in analysis, and it's something I really enjoy doing as a worship leader. Take a peek at the following two videos. They are videos of the worship song, "All The Poor And Powerless." While the videos are of the same song, notice the subtle differences in the two interpretations. Notice, especially, how key change and style affect the "feel" of the song. This is an easy and great way to inject some creativity into a worship set... the song is great, but likely, you'll probably gravitate towards one version over the other.

Check it out, and comment below!

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